Monday 18 March 2024


 Don't worry if you haven't heard of "Inner Sanctum"; I certainly hadn't until now but this 1948 B-Movie is surprisingly good, if not in terms of cinematic skill then at least in terms of storytelling. It's actually a story within a story as the mysterious and apparently psychic Dr. Valonius, (Fritz Leiber), regales a woman on a train with a tale of a murderer hiding out in a small-town boarding house.

Clocking in at just 62 minutes it's the kind of story you might find in something like "Dr. Terror's House of Horrors" and it has a surprisingly good script and some very decent performances from the likes of Lee Patrick, Billy House and Roscoe Ates. There's even a lot of genuinely funny and intentional humor running through the picture as well as some real suspense. If it isn't quite in the class of "Detour" it's still a Grade A Guilty Pleasure

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