Wednesday 21 February 2024


 If you think Jennifer Lawrence has sold out her street cred for rom-com anonymity think again, "No Hard Feelings" is no ordinary rom-com. For starters it's a lot raunchier and a lot funnier than your average rom-rom and Lawrence is as good as she's ever been. She's the foul-mouthed, over-sexed bartender who answers an ad to date a shy 19 year old college student, (placed by his parents, no less, in order to bring him out of his shell). She does this because she needs a car and that's what's on offer.

With a cracker of a script by Gene Stupnitsky and John Phillips and surprisingly intelligent direction from Stupnitsky as well as a terrific performance from newcomer Andrew Barth Feldman as the son, (and nice work, too, from Matthew Broderick and Laura Benanti as his parents), this is as sweet-natured as it is laugh-out-loud funny and is certainly a cut above most multiplex movies aimed at a young audience. One for all the family, in fact, just so long as the family are over fifteen.

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