Wednesday 8 November 2023


 The opening credits tell us that "Sequin in a Blue Room" is 'a homosexual film by Samuel Van Grinsven' which should be some kind of warning in itself. Any film that needs to trumpet itself as clearly as this one does also clearly feels the need to draw attention to itself and this one turns out to be an excruciatingly arty piece of gay soft porn as sixteen year old 'Sequin' cruises sex sites for casual one-off pickups leading him to the eponymous Blue Room, a 'no-talking, no-names' sex palace.

If it's Van Grinsven's intention to warn us about the dangers of cruising he obviously fails as Jay Grant's gorgeous cinematography makes it all look very enticing but neither is he interested in giving us any kind of story that we might engage with and apart from Sequin himself, (a pretty, prissy and far from likeable Conor Leach), there's really no one else in the film of any interest, (and even Sequin is a bit of a bore). If you're going to make a gay sex film at least make it sexy or provide a proper plot or characters we can get a handle on. Even at 80 minutes this becomes tedious very quickly.

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