Friday 28 April 2023


 This avant-garde silent classic is like a Japanese version of "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" and since there are no inter-titles we have to figure out for ourselves what is happening, not always easy when the imagery is as elusive as this. Of course, the title "A Page of Madness" and the setting, presumably a mental hospital or asylum, should be more than enough but as for figuring out what is 'real' and what is not, now that's another matter entirely but then, you may ask yourself, in a film like this should we worry too much about 'plot'. Better instead to concentrate on Kinugasa's extraordinary direction, his brilliant use of the camera and the incredible performances of his cast which seem to go beyond anything as simple as mere acting. If this were a Russian or German film it would probably be high in the polls of the greatest films ever made and yet it is hardly known at all. You may not understand it but I defy you not to be blown away by it.

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