Monday 12 September 2022

THE 355 no stars

 This female kick-ass action flic features three Oscar-winning actresses so we should be looking at a class act, right?  Well, not quite; "The 355" is thoroughly formulaic and a waste of the talents involved which isn't to say it doesn't have its entertaining moments but it's just one of many such genre pictures and it's far from the best.

The McGuffin is some kind of computer drive that if the bad guys get it, (bad guys? who are they?), will do sufficent damage to make World War Three seem like a walk in the park. You know the sort of thing I mean; it's been the staple diet of 'espionage' films since the beginning of the movies and casting the likes of Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz, Lupita Nyong'o, Diane Kruger, Edgar Ramirez and Sebastian Stan isn't going to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and this sow's ear has a very daft and impenetrable plot.

The action scenes are okay, the locations are certainly attractive and the cast do their best with very sub-standard material. There isn't even a decent villain; give me the super silliness of the wildly over-the-top but hugely enjoyable "The Gray Man" any day.

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