I have been reviewing films all my life, semi-professionally in the past and for the past 10 or 12 years on imdb and more recently in letterboxd and facebook. The idea of this blog is to get as many of those reviews gathered together in one place. I have had a great deal of support and encouragement from a lot of people throughout the world and I hope that continues. Now for the ratings. **** = not to be missed. *** = highly recommended. ** = recommended. * = of interest and no stars = avoid..
Thursday, 15 September 2022
For a film that deals with such lofty subjects as crime and punishment, forgiveness or perhaps the lack of it John Michael McDonagh's "The Forgiven" is a lot less profound and certainly not as deep as it might have been or probably thinks it is. On the other hand, it's beautifully filmed, very well directed and with superb performances from its first-rate cast. It also deals with a subject not usually tackled in the cinema; the clash of cultures in contemporary society, in this case between Western hedonists and the Muslim faith.
A drunken driver, (Ralph Fiennes), travelling with his wife, (Jessica Chastain), to a house party in Morocco hits a young Muslim boy and kills him. It's a horrible accident but the man doesn't initially appear to have any remorse and continues onto the party, bringing the body with him. The local police are informed, they agree it was an accident and the boy's father is traced. However, when he comes to collect the body he insists Fiennes return with him for the burial, which he does, leaving Chastain and their dissolute friends to continue with the party.
You might even describe this picture as darkly comic. There are very few people on the screen with whom you can empathise, (the few you can empathise with are Muslims). The twist, when it comes, is that Fiennes is the most moral character in the picture, his greatest 'sin' is simply that he's an alcoholic and the film does leave a sour aftertaste but Fiennes, Chastain, Christopher Abbot as one of the guests and Ismael Kanater as the dead boy's father are so good it's impossible to take your eyes from the screen and there is a cold brilliance to the film. I doubt if it will draw crowds but it's definitely intelligent and certainly it's worth seeing.
Monday, 12 September 2022
THE 355 no stars
This female kick-ass action flic features three Oscar-winning actresses so we should be looking at a class act, right? Well, not quite; "The 355" is thoroughly formulaic and a waste of the talents involved which isn't to say it doesn't have its entertaining moments but it's just one of many such genre pictures and it's far from the best.
The McGuffin is some kind of computer drive that if the bad guys get it, (bad guys? who are they?), will do sufficent damage to make World War Three seem like a walk in the park. You know the sort of thing I mean; it's been the staple diet of 'espionage' films since the beginning of the movies and casting the likes of Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz, Lupita Nyong'o, Diane Kruger, Edgar Ramirez and Sebastian Stan isn't going to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and this sow's ear has a very daft and impenetrable plot.
The action scenes are okay, the locations are certainly attractive and the cast do their best with very sub-standard material. There isn't even a decent villain; give me the super silliness of the wildly over-the-top but hugely enjoyable "The Gray Man" any day.
Thursday, 8 September 2022
Excellent, queasy chiller from Babak Anvari. The moral of the story seems to be if you're a graffiti artist, don't go breaking into people's homes as you never know what you'll find or what might happen to you. George MacKay is the graffiti artist who breaks into judge Hugh Bonneville's home and gets more than he bargains for. The material isn't particularly new but the handling of it is first-rate and Bonneville makes for a very unnerving villain. Good work, too, from MacKay, Kelly Macdonald as his mother and Percelle Ascott as his best friend. It even manages to pull a couple of unexpected rabbits out of the hat which makes it a genre picture worth seeking out.
Thursday, 1 September 2022
It's certainly well made and there are people in this world who actually think this is one of the greatest films ever. It's like an extended Monty Python or Mack Sennett sketch minus the comedy and I suppose you do have to see it at least once to marvel or perhaps just gawp at what's on the screen though God knows what you will make of it. It's also quite short, which was something of a blessing.
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