Sunday 3 July 2022


 A good director, (Delbert Mann), and a fine cast, (James Garner, Jean Simmons, Suzanne Pleshette, Angela Lansbury, Katharine Ross), can do nothing to save what the French might call a 'pot de merde'. "Mister Buddwing" is based on an Evan Hunter novel and has Garner waking up in Central Park not knowing who he is; he's the amnesiac to end all amnesiacs and he spends this dumb movie wandering around New York looking for himself and a woman named Grace, (well, he does remember that much), meeting mostly women who may or may not be said Grace. There are flashbacks to an earlier life that are just as bad as the scenes in the present. Is this meant to be a drama, a thriller or, God forbid, a comedy, (it's certainly unintentionally funny), and what audience did they think would pay money to see it? Garner himself hated it; 'the worst film I've ever been in', he said and he most probably was right.

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