Monday 24 January 2022


 Georges, (a superb Jean Dujardin), drives into the mountains to buy himself a 'new' second-hand jacket having tried to flush the one he was wearing down a service-station toilet. The jacket is 100% "Deerskin", which is the title of Quentin Dupieux's new film, and it comes with an almost new digital video camera. Dupieux is the man who gave us "Rubber", about a killer tyre, so you know that this, too, is going to be off-the-wall to say the least and off-the-wall it certainly is.

Could it, in fact, be a movie about a killer jacket or about a man having a really bad mental breakdown or just another movie about making a movie from yet another movie brat? Let's say it's about all three and did I mention it's also a comedy and a very black one? It's also a considerable step up from "Rubber" though it would make a nice companion piece and as horror-comedies go, for this is indeed a horror-comedy, it's certainly an original. I can't wait to see what Dupieux does next.

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