Friday 5 November 2021


 The title says it all and with Russell Crowe in the lead you really should know what you've let yourself in for. He's the one who's "Unhinged", taking a very bad case of road rage out on poor Caren Pistorious. Mr Crowe has come a long way in his career and it's been mostly downhill, both in the looks department and in the acting stakes. Ok, so he was never Larry Olivier but back in the day old Russell had been known to carry a movie, even managing to pick up an Oscar along the way and to his credit he does bring a kind of Old Testament fury to his role as the mad motorist.

Derrick Borte's film kicks off in fine fashion. The pre-credit sequence shows just how unhinged Russell is while the credits themselves, a melange of violent, mostly road-rage incidents, sets the tone for what follows and as dumb, crazy psycho-killer movies go this piece of schlock-horror isn't at all bad. At least it does what it says on the tin and at under ninety minutes it never outstays its welcome. Check your brains at the door and there's a very good chance you'll actually enjoy this.

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