Thursday 20 May 2021


 What's not to love? Doris Day, in gowns by Irene, no less, being menaced in the London fog by a mysterious, unseen man threatening to kill her while a cast that includes Rex Harrison, John Gavin, Myrna Loy, Roddy McDowell, Natasha Parry and Herbert Marshall swan around wondering if she's actually being menaced or just imagining it and if she is being menaced which of these prime suspects is doing it? You see, Doris is rich and it seems everyone else isn't and would kill for her money.

"Midnight Lace" was a 1960 Ross Hunter production, directed by David Miller and based on a little known Janet Green play with the terrible title "Matilda Shouted Fire" but if it's a fairly creaky thriller it's also a hugely entertaining one. You know, of course, that Doris is going to be alright since that most urbane of police inspectors, John Williams, is on the case, (well, he did bring Ray Milland to justice), and you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out the villain long before the end. It may not be much of a film but it is a great guilty pleasure.

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