Friday 19 March 2021


 Borat's back and unless he can get his act together, hopefully for the last time. You would think, given the potential targets, (Trump, Covid), this could be the best Borat film yet and yet a lot of gags fall flat. Yes, i laughed and loudly every now and then but nowhere near as often as I thought I would. Still, "Borat Subsequent Moviefilm", to give it its short title, (and that title in itself reeks of desperation), is still worth seeing thanks to a brilliant, star-making turn from Maria Bakalova as Borat's daughter, Tutar.

The very thin excuse for a plot has Borat revisiting America with said daughter in tow and a plan to offer her as a gift to VP Mike Pence, (yes, that's about as original as it gets). Needless to say, Pence isn't interested though his appearance does mark one of the film's few inspired moments so the sights are set on Rudy Giuliani who is either even dumber than we thought or a rather good sport for going along with it. The candid-camera style sequences still work but much of this looks rehearsed and the wonderful Miss Bakalova deserves better. Will she deserve the Oscar should she win? Probably not but I can certainly see a long future ahead of her.

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