Thursday 4 February 2021


 Continuing proof that Independent cinema is alive and kicking in the USA. "Bull" is director Annie Silverstein's feature debut about the unlikely friendship that develops between an introverted 14 year old girl, (an excellent Amber Havard), and her ageing neighbour, a rodeo bullfighter, beautifully played by Rob Morgan, after she and her friends break into his home. It's a film whose pedigree goes back to the seventies and it's clear that in this American backwater very little has changed. This is Trump's America where people are so mired in poverty they will do or believe anything if they think it will alleviate their problems. It has a rough, documentary feel to it greatly helped by Silverstein's decision to use mostly non-professionals in her cast and it's superbly shot by Shabier Kirchner. It may not have the most original of scenarios but it does deal with a part of America largely ignored by filmmakers and it certainly heartfelt, clearly marking Silverstein out as a director with a future.

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