Tuesday 22 December 2020


 'Reality' is the one thing that is conspicuously absent from Alejandro Jodorowsky's "The Dance of Reality". He may be a revolutionary filmmaker but he is also an acquired taste. This one does have a plot of sorts involving Jodorowsky as a boy, (Jeremias Herskovits), growing up in a surreal seaside town in Chile populated by dwarfs, the armless, the legless, the naked and the dispossessed, (all typical Jodorowsky tropes), where nothing 'real' happens at all and everything plays out as if in a dream with the real Jodorowsky himself turning up every so often to guide as through this cinematic circus of his life. There is a parallel plot involving Jodorowsky's father, played by his son Brontis, (I hope you're getting this), that is less interesting than the one that opens the picture. It looks great, makes no real sense yet is quite easy to follow, will make no converts to the cult of Jodorowsky but which should please his fans no end.

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