Tuesday 8 September 2020


One of the great British satires. This time the Boulting Brothers' targets are the Trade Unions and, of course, the class system and the film is the brilliantly funny "I'm All Right, Jack", a very loose sequel to their earlier "Private's Progress" and it has a cast of some of the best comic actors ever gathered together in a British comedy. Ian Carmichael is that upper-class twit Stanley Windrush, Terry-Thomas is the galloping major and, best of all, Peter Sellers is Kite, that little Hitler of a shop steward. Then there's Dennis Price, Richard Attenborough, Margaret Rutherford and more British character actors than you can shake a union card at. A huge hit at the time, (Sellers won the BAFTA for Best British Actor), and it's still as funny today. Yes, it does sound crudely racist but then so was Britain back in 1959 and for once the jokes are on the racists, another sign of just how good the Boulting Brothers actually were.

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