I have been reviewing films all my life, semi-professionally in the past and for the past 10 or 12 years on imdb and more recently in letterboxd and facebook. The idea of this blog is to get as many of those reviews gathered together in one place. I have had a great deal of support and encouragement from a lot of people throughout the world and I hope that continues. Now for the ratings. **** = not to be missed. *** = highly recommended. ** = recommended. * = of interest and no stars = avoid..
Monday, 28 September 2020
"The Blue Flower of Novalis" opens and closes with a shot of its protagonist's anus so you may well think you know what you're in for...or maybe not, since this documentary look into the life of gay poet Marcelo Diorio isn't quite like other films or documentaries. It's fundamentally a conversation piece between Diorio and an unseen interviewer and your tolerance for it will depend very much on how well you relate to Diorio or films of this kind which moves from a straightforward interview into staged memory and fantasy scenes that are surely purely scripted. Is Diorio always acting or is he just being himself and is there any reason for us to care one way or the other about someone so clearly egotistical and then, of course, there's the question as to why co-directors Rodrigo Carneiro and Gustavo Vinagre would have wanted to make this in the first place, (we are also privy to Diorio having fairly graphic sex). Boring and fascinating in equal measure and aimed at a very niche, and probably exclusively gay, market.
Saturday, 26 September 2020
3 IDIOTS ****
The title may conjure up images of the 3 Stooges and the crude humour of the opening might suggest a Hindi "Porky's" but with a running time of almost three hours "3 Idiots" clearly has its mind on higher things. It's a Bollywood buddy-movie devised as an epic and determined to outdo all the competition and being a Bollywood movie is full of large-scale musical numbers as well as a lot of very broad and very funny comedy.
The 3 idiots of the title meet as engineering students, become life-long friends but are separated by that old fickle finger of fate. It's also bold enough to deal with such issues as suicide and poverty and, of course, the caste system and is lifted onto an altogether higher plain by a terrific performance from Aamir Khan as 'the idiot' the other two worship and who, naturally, isn't an idiot at all but the sharpest tool in the box and he's brilliantly supported by Sharman Joshi as his potentially suicidal friend and Omi Vaidya as his number one rival. Brilliantly directed by Rajkumar Hirani this is the kind of film Hollywood could learn a lot from and which, had it been a Hollywood film, might well have swept the boards come Oscar time.
A comedy about dying but coming from the Chinese-American director Lulu Wang, less maudlin than it might have been. Nai Nai, (an excellent Shuzhen Zhao), is the Chinese grandmother with only three months to live, so her American family come up with an excuse to fly to China to visit her; they plan a wedding which gives them a reason to celebrate rather than to mourn, (and the wedding itself is superbly done).
This is a sweet-natured, sentimental film that still feels like it's strung out way beyond its expiry date and is ultimately redeemed by Zhao's performance. As the granddaughter who wants the family to tell Nai Nai the truth, the much vaunted Awkwafina is so laid back as to be almost horizontal, (she still won a Golden Globe), and yet a lot of people love this film, (maybe they're Chinese and 'get it'). It's at its best when it points up the differences between East and West but that's not enough to make a movie and ultimately this is less "The Farewell" as something of a long goodbye.
The plot's nothing new and, to be honest, the script is fairly ridiculous but it's reasonably well directed by Charles Haas, nicely shot in Cinemascope by Walter Castle and makes for an entertaining 90 minutes. Rooney drifts through it and you would hardly call what he does 'acting' but he was a star, all five foot two inches of him, a punk Little Caesar and he dominates the picture. It's certainly no classic and it's certainly no "Touch of Evil" but it's a good, tawdry genre picture and perfect drive-in fodder.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Tuesday, 8 September 2020


Monday, 7 September 2020

Few actresses in movies have matured as well as Rampling. To think that thirty years earlier she would have been the sexy little minx of a daughter giving some starchy matron a hard time; now she's the matron with a rod of steel determined not to be put off her stroke by any interfering little sexpot while Sagnier has a ball as the thorn in her side.

This is Ozon at his most playfully erotic, taking nothing too seriously but teasing us at every turn. That fact that he does it in such gorgeous surroundings is an added bonus but then Ozon is such a confidently assured film-maker the surroundings hardly matter. A treat.
Sunday, 6 September 2020
ODETTE no stars

Friday, 4 September 2020

I don't doubt for a minute that anyone reading this review will know what I'm talking about. Film criticism on an electronic device is a symptom of what Assayas is talking about here. Indeed, Juliette Binoche's character is an actress in a television cop show. She's married to Alain, (a superb Guillaume Canet), a publisher who wants to move over to e-books. Vincent Macaigne is an author whose new manuscript Alain has decided not to publish and who uses his own life and the people he knows as material for his work. He's also having an affair with Alain's wife, (Binoche), leading to a great running joke at the expense of Haneke's "The White Ribbon".

Thursday, 3 September 2020

The assistant of the title, (a beautifully subdued Julia Garner), is a young woman employed in the New York office of a media mogul, not just as a kind of secretary, but as someone to clean up, (literally), the mess (literally), that her boss leaves behind and to take whatever verbal abuse he dishes out. She is safe, it would seem, from sexual harassment because, as she's told, 'she's not his type'.
This is a genuinely frightening film that goes beyond what has come to be known as the #MeToo Movement. It paints a horrifying picture of what powerful people can do to subordinates given the chance, (I know because I too worked with such people but I, at least, had the balls to stand up to them...and not get fired). What distinguishes Green's film is that she never over-dramatizes, (if anything, she holds back almost to the point of boredom), uses actors who are not well-known to us, (a magnificently obsequious Matthew Macfadyen is the best known person on screen), and films it, not as a clammy thriller, but as a fly-on-the-wall slice of life. There is none of the triumphalism of "Bombshell" on display here, just the chilly feeling that an unseen monster is lurking out of camera shot and destroying the lives of everyone around him.
Wednesday, 2 September 2020