Friday 24 July 2020


Don't beat yourself up if you haven't heard of "Blast of Silence"; very few people have. Closer to a Z-Movie than a B-Movie it was the first film of one, Allen Baron who also wrote most of it and took the leading role and while his ambitions far outweighed his talents it is at least of passing interest and has since built up something of a cult following. He plays a hit-man from Cleveland on a job in New York over the Christmas period. Unfortunately, whatever skill he shows as a director, (he does have a remarkable visual eye), he was certainly no actor; this was only one of the two occasions in which he appeared in front of the camera. His weak performance and the weak performances of the rest of the cast might have killed the film but the superb location photography and a brilliant climax shot during a real hurricane more than make up for the shortcomings elsewhere.

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