Jaco Van Dormael's "Mr. Nobody" is a terrific looking film with image after image appearing in front of us as if in a dream for this is a sci-fi film that isn't really meant to make too much sense. The 'plot', for want of a better word, is simply the story of one man called Nemo, the 'Mr Nobody' of the title but it's not like any 'life story' you might have seen since Mr Nobody doesn't really exist, except perhaps in the imagination of Mr Van Dormael and this is the kind of film that could easily be re-edited without losing its sense or lack of it. You might indeed call it self-indulgent, particularly since it goes on for over two and a half hours and since there are no real 'characters', actors like the talented Jared Leto as Nemo are unable to leave their mark. This is the kind of film that almost wilfully sets out to alienate an audience. It's certainly imaginative and, as I say, it looks fantastic but don't waste your time trying to make too much sense of it; take it as you find it and you might even enjoy it, particularly if you live in Europe
where, apparently, it was something of a hit.
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